The Keystone SWANA Newsletter is now a monthly e-newsletter!
If you don't receive the newsletter by email and would like to, contact to be added to the distribution list.
Latest Issue:
If you would like to have an original article included in The Keystone, please submit it by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the upcoming newsletter.
Photos should be send in a .jpeg,.bmp, .eps, .tif, etc. (no pdfs).
Submit articles to
Advertise in the Newsletter
You may also choose to advertise in The Keystone and support the Chapter Scholarship Fund. The Keystone Newsletter Advertising Request is attached for your convenience.
Download the Advertising Request Form
Ads can be color or black and white. The rate schedule is as follows:
Business Card $75 (3 or more issues, $60 per issue) 3.5" W x 2" H
1/4 page $150 (3 or more issues, $125 per issue) 3.75" W x 4.75" H
1/2 page $250 (3 or more issues, $200 per issue) 7.5" W x 4.75" H or 3.75" W x 9.25" H
Whole page $450 (3 or more issues, $400 per issue) 7.5" W x 9.25" H OUR BEST VALUE!
Please coordinate advertising with Alison D'Airo of Barton & Loguidice.
Alison D'Airo
(717) 737-8326
Create your artwork in a "Camera-Ready" format such as JPEG, BMP, or TIF. Please avoid using PDFs.
For an additional $35, Barton & Loguidice will create an ad for your business. Simply include your logo, what you want the ad to say, and your company website.
Download the Advertising Request Form